Summer Entertaining
Welcome back, friends, for another installment of Easy Elegance Wednesdays! This is where my friends and I share decorating, entertaining, DIY, and gardening tips and ideas that are both easy and elegant!
This week we have some fun summer outdoor entertaining ideas along with a couple of great DIY projects that you will love.
Here’s what we are sharing:
- Bre has tips for Installing Wood Beams that make the process simple and easy and will transform the look of your room.
- I am sharing some ideas for creating Simple French Country Summer Table that is perfect for warm, summer evening dining.
- Yvonne has some Delicious Herbal and Fruit Infused Water Ideas
- Lory has some great Cheerful Patio Ideas for Relaxing at Home that are so beautiful.
- And Leslie has some amazing looking Raspberry Blueberry Popsicles that I can’t wait to try!
I hope you will scrool down to see a preview of each post and then click on the blue link for more details!
Be sure to check back often for more inspiration!

Rooms For Rent | Installing Wood Beams
Sanctuary Home Decor | Simple French Country Summer Table
StoneGable | Delicious Herbal and Fruit Infused Water Ideas
Designthusiasm | Cheerful Patio Ideas for Relaxing at Home
Home Stories A To Z | How to Create a Painted Table Runner
My 100 Year Old Home | Summer Coolers: Raspberry Blueberry Popsicles